Doppol - Smart Book Recommendations

Book details

Bathtime--Show Baby

Bathtime--Show Baby


Part of a series which explores different themes using photographs of "mystery objects" from the 1900s, 1930s and 1960s. Children are encouraged to look for clues in each photograph and to guess what the object is. They can turn each page to see a colour illustration of a scene in which the object is being used, with a simple text which gives further information. This series makes some useful links between history and technology and is particularly appropriate for National Curriculum history.;From tin baths and hot water cans to mixer taps and geysers, this book looks at how bathtime and bathing has changed over the last one hundred years. It also includes teacher notes with suggestions for follow-up work at the back of the book.
Text complexity
14 pages

Why to read

  • Encourages bonding time: Reading 'Bathtime--Show Baby' can be a wonderful way for parents to bond with their infants, combining the calming effects of a warm bath with the intimacy of storytime.
  • Introduces routines: The book can help introduce and reinforce the concept of routines to young children, making bathtime a more enjoyable and predictable experience.
  • Stimulates development: The book's content may include colorful illustrations and simple, rhythmic text that can aid in the development of a baby's visual and auditory processing skills.
  • Promotes language skills: Early exposure to books and reading can be beneficial for a baby's language development, and 'Bathtime--Show Baby' might offer simple words and phrases that are easy for little ones to understand and eventually mimic.