Doppol - Smart Book Recommendation

Grace - Santa's Secret Elf
Grace - Santa's Secret Elf

Santa's secret elf, 2017 by Katherine Sully

Making Jokes
It's Christmas Eve and you're tucked up in bed when you hear strange noises coming from downstairs ... a calamity is unfolding in your living room! Your secret Christmas adventure is about to begin.
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Why to read
  • Encourages Imagination: Reading about Grace, Santa's secret elf, can spark children's imagination and transport them to the magical world of the North Pole, enhancing their creativity and love for storytelling.
  • Teaches Important Values: The story may include themes such as teamwork, kindness, and the joy of giving, which are important values for children to learn, especially during the holiday season.
  • Holiday Spirit: The book can help get children into the holiday spirit, making them excited for Christmas and creating a festive atmosphere in the home.
  • Bonding Experience: Reading the book together with family can be a wonderful bonding experience, creating memories and traditions that last a lifetime.