Book details
Living with Hyperacusis
Harry is a young boy living with a rare and invisible hearing condition called hyperacusis.
People with hyperacusis can feel like they are alone in a world where everyday sounds are too loud. Anxiety, discomfort, and pain from noise can make it difficult to navigate and enjoy everyday life.
The author, Sean, has been living with hyperacusis all his life. Sean wrote the book when he was 8 years old to help his family and friends understand how this condition affects his daily life. Sean is now 10 years old and has decided to publish the book to raise awareness and help others understand the condition.
Sean is hoping he can raise funds for Hyperacusis Research who are a non-profit charity dedicated to the development of effective treatments for hyperacusis.
The Hyperacusis Network reports that 1 in 50,000 people have hyperacusis and that 1 in 1,000 people who have tinnitus will also have hyperacusis. The disorder can occur in one or both ears and is often accompanied by tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear).
Sean also suffers from tinnitus, but it is hyperacusis that affects his daily life.
Sean would love to hang out with a group of friends, go to parties, or have a dog without worrying about the noise hurting his ears. In the future, Sean would love to drive a motorbike or supercar and hopes that one day he will be able to cope with the noise and enjoy the experience.