Doppol - Smart Book Recommendations

Book details

Yakari 6 - Yakari in the Land of the Wolves

Yakari 6 - Yakari in the Land of the Wolves


In this adventure, Yakari, a young Native American boy, ventures into the land of the wolves to seek understanding and friendship among these misunderstood creatures. Along the way, Yakari discovers the importance of respect for all life forms and the true meaning of courage. Tormented Wolf, a warrior from Yakari’s tribe, has an obsession: to take his revenge on the wolf who attacked and injured him three winters before. This wolf limps... Yakari has crossed the path of Three Legs. He is afraid, but a dream and the intervention of Great Eagle, his totem, encourage him to join the wolves. He will earn the trust of the pack’s leader...
Text complexity
48 pages

Why to read

  • Experience the joy of exploring new and uncharted territories.
  • Learn about respecting animals and nature through entertaining storytelling.
  • Witness the growth of Yakari as he navigates diverse challenges.
  • Inspire courage and friendship through positive role models.