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Top-rated books by Adrienne Kress

Books like Adrienne Kress’s

Book cover of 'Beetle Wants to Fly: Independent Reading Green 5'

Beetle Wants to Fly: Independent Reading Green 5

Jackie Walter, Elisa Patrissi (artist) Jackie Walter (author), Elisa Patrissi, 2023

Book cover of 'Sophie Solves the Narwhal's Wish'

Sophie Solves the Narwhal's Wish

Ashley McAllister, Terry McNerney, 2023

Book cover of 'Rex the Big Dinosaur'

Rex the Big Dinosaur

Ladybird Books, Jane Doe, Ladybird, 2024

Book cover of 'Zug the Bug'

Zug the Bug

Colin Hawkins, Jacqui Hawkins, Colin and Jacque Hawkins, 1988

Book cover of 'Things in the Basement'

Things in the Basement

Ben Hatke, 2023

Book cover of 'Nuts Nuts Nuts'

Nuts Nuts Nuts

Ben Lucas, 2022

Book cover of 'ElsBeth and the Pirate's Treasure, Book I in the Cape Cod Witch Series'

ElsBeth and the Pirate's Treasure, Book I in the Cape Cod Witch Series

J Bean Palmer, Melanie Therrien, 2008

Book cover of 'Dinosaur Stomp! The Triceratops'

Dinosaur Stomp! The Triceratops

Jeanne Willis, Peter Curtis, 2021