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Top-rated books by Aesop

Books like Aesop’s

Book cover of 'Black Tortoise and the Dynasty Dragon (Fujimini Adventure Series Book 5)'

Black Tortoise and the Dynasty Dragon (Fujimini Adventure Series Book 5)

Eileen Wacker, 2012

Book cover of 'Koi and the Kola Nuts (Rabbit Ears Set 4)'

Koi and the Kola Nuts (Rabbit Ears Set 4)

Brian Gleeson, 1992

Book cover of 'The sly cormorant and the fishes: New adaptations into poetry of the Aesop fables (Viking Kestrel Picture Books)'

The sly cormorant and the fishes: New adaptations into poetry of the Aesop fables (Viking Kestrel Picture Books)

Brian Patten, Errol Le Cain, 1977

Book cover of 'The Man and the Fox: English-Dari Edition (Teaching Stories)'

The Man and the Fox: English-Dari Edition (Teaching Stories)

Idries Shah, Sally Mallam, 2005

Book cover of 'The Selfish Crocodile Anniversary Edition'

The Selfish Crocodile Anniversary Edition

Faustin Charles, Michael Terry, 2000

Book cover of 'Bunny Surprise (Scholastic Reader, Level 2: Pet Charms #2)'

Bunny Surprise (Scholastic Reader, Level 2: Pet Charms #2)

Amy Edgar, Jomike Tejido, 2017

Book cover of 'Otter's Coat: The Real Reason Turtle Raced Rabbit: A Cherolachian Tortoise and Hare (Cherolachian Tales Book 1)'

Otter's Coat: The Real Reason Turtle Raced Rabbit: A Cherolachian Tortoise and Hare (Cherolachian Tales Book 1)

Cordellya Smith, Blueberry Illustrations, 2021

Book cover of 'Pigeon P.I.'

Pigeon P.I.

Meg Mclaren, 2017