Doppol - Trending books for kids

Top-rated books by Becci Murray

Books like Becci Murray’s

Book cover of 'Caspar and the Star'

Caspar and the Star

Francesca Bosca, Guliano Ferri, 1993

Book cover of 'The Naughtiest Unicorn on Holiday'

The Naughtiest Unicorn on Holiday

Pip Bird, David O’Connell, 2023

Book cover of 'Mighty Magnolia'

Mighty Magnolia

Jennie Schmidtman, Jasmine Bailey, 2023

Book cover of 'Quetzal'


Adder Argueta, 2023

Book cover of 'The Unicorn Who Lost Its Horn: A Tale of How to Catch and Spread Kindness'

The Unicorn Who Lost Its Horn: A Tale of How to Catch and Spread Kindness

Adisan Books, 2023

Book cover of 'Rainy Day Rescue (Cutiecorns #3) (3)'

Rainy Day Rescue (Cutiecorns #3) (3)

Shannon Penney, Addy Rivera Sonda, 2020

Book cover of 'The Clever Boy and the Terrible Dangerous Animal: English-Dari Edition (Teaching Stories)'

The Clever Boy and the Terrible Dangerous Animal: English-Dari Edition (Teaching Stories)

Idries Shah, Rose Mary Santiago, 2000

Book cover of 'Sticker Dolly Dressing Rainbow Unicorns'

Sticker Dolly Dressing Rainbow Unicorns

Fiona Watt, Antonia Miller, 2023