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Top-rated books by Betty C. Tang

Books like Betty C. Tang’s

Book cover of 'The Legend of the Vampire (Legend Has It)'

The Legend of the Vampire (Legend Has It)

Thomas Kingsley Troupe, Terry Flaherty, Oksana Kemarskaya, Anonymous, Capstone Publishers, Inc., Terry Flaherty PhD, 2010

Book cover of 'Mad Dogs'

Mad Dogs

I. B. Gumnut, I B Gumnut, 2015

Book cover of 'Saurus Street 1: Tyrannosaurus in the Veggie Patch'

Saurus Street 1: Tyrannosaurus in the Veggie Patch

Nick Falk, Tony Flowers, 2013

Book cover of 'Melvina Whitmoore (More or Less a Horror Story)'

Melvina Whitmoore (More or Less a Horror Story)

Faith Capalia, 2023

Book cover of 'Ghost in the Post: Little Terrors Book 6'

Ghost in the Post: Little Terrors Book 6

Jan Burchett, Judy Brown, 2003

Book cover of 'The Great Pumpkin Scare'

The Great Pumpkin Scare

Andy Smart, 2015

Book cover of 'The Phoenix – Rising from the Ashes'

The Phoenix – Rising from the Ashes

Dian Griffin Jackson, Shanterria Jackson, Phoenix Harden, Joyce Licorish, 2014

Book cover of 'Monster Stories'

Monster Stories

Parragon, 2001