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Top-rated books by Bob Harvey

Books like Bob Harvey’s

Book cover of 'The Lucky Baseball Bat'

The Lucky Baseball Bat

Matt Christopher, Dee Derosa, Robert Henneberger, 1954

Book cover of 'Little Bunny and The Big Race'

Little Bunny and The Big Race

Anna Horbatenko, 2023

Book cover of 'Tinkle Presents : Oops Its Butterfingers!'

Tinkle Presents : Oops Its Butterfingers!

Fernandes L, 2011

Book cover of 'Winnie Plays Ball: Brand New Readers'

Winnie Plays Ball: Brand New Readers

Leda Schubert, William Benedict, 2000

Book cover of 'Roller Skates!'

Roller Skates!

Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson True Kelley, True Kelley, 1992

Book cover of 'Out of the Ballpark'

Out of the Ballpark

Alex Rodriguez, Frank Morrison, 2007

Book cover of 'Crayon Racing'

Crayon Racing

Alberto Lot, 2022

Book cover of 'Bicycle'


Angela Royston, 2005