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Top-rated books by Chrissy Metge

Books like Chrissy Metge’s

Book cover of 'Swoop's Book of Seasons'

Swoop's Book of Seasons

Lois Keefer, Steven Brite, 2003

Book cover of 'My Dazzling Dream'

My Dazzling Dream

Walt Disney Company, Rh Disney, Michi Fujimoto, 2004

Book cover of 'My First Ballet Stories'

My First Ballet Stories

Adèle Geras, Emma Chichester-Clark Adele Geras, Emma Chichester Clark, 2006

Book cover of 'Bungee Boo Dance! (Boohbah)'

Bungee Boo Dance! (Boohbah)

Quinlan B. Lee, 2004

Book cover of 'The Girl Who Wanted to Dance'

The Girl Who Wanted to Dance

Amy Ehrlich, Rebecca Walsh, Hope Green, 2009

Book cover of 'Darby and the Dollberry Dare'

Darby and the Dollberry Dare

Vickie L. Gardner, 2021

Book cover of 'The Sun Never Hurries'

The Sun Never Hurries

Roxane Turcotte, Lucie Crovatto, 2024

Book cover of 'The Dream'

The Dream

Ladybird Books, Ladybird, 2011