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Top-rated books by Christine Cox

Books like Christine Cox’s

Book cover of 'Me'ma and the Great Mountain'

Me'ma and the Great Mountain

Lorin Morgan-Richards, Allison Outschoorn, Jessica Rose Felix, A Raven Above Press, 2012

Book cover of 'The Crane Wife'

The Crane Wife

Odds Bodkin, Gennady Spirin, Gennadii Spirin, 1998

Book cover of 'Shamans Nephew'

Shamans Nephew

Simon Tookoome, Sheldon Obrman, Sheldon Oberman, 1999

Book cover of 'Earth Magic, Sky Magic: Native American Stories (Cambridge Reading)'

Earth Magic, Sky Magic: Native American Stories (Cambridge Reading)

Rosalind Kerven, 1991

Book cover of 'Eyes In The Night'

Eyes In The Night

Jan Ramage, 2004

Book cover of 'So You Think You've Got It Bad? A Kid's Life as a Viking'

So You Think You've Got It Bad? A Kid's Life as a Viking

Chae Strathie, unknown author, 2023

Book cover of 'Bones in the Basket (Native Legends)'

Bones in the Basket (Native Legends)

C.J. Taylor, 1994

Book cover of 'How the World Was Saved & Other Native American Tales'

How the World Was Saved & Other Native American Tales

Piers Harper, 1995