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Top-rated books by Dougal Dixon

Books like Dougal Dixon’s

Book cover of 'The Concise Dinosaur Encyclopedia'

The Concise Dinosaur Encyclopedia

David Burnie, 2001

Book cover of 'The Dinosaur Encyclopedia'

The Dinosaur Encyclopedia

Michael J. Benton, M. J. Benton, Wendy Barish, 1984

Book cover of 'Dinosaurs: and Other Prehistoric Creatures'

Dinosaurs: and Other Prehistoric Creatures

Matt Sewell, 2019

Book cover of 'Uranus'


Luke Thompson, Amy Margaret, 2001

Book cover of 'Rocket Boy'

Rocket Boy

Katie Jennings, Joe Lillington, 2020

Book cover of 'Mrs. Padilly's Garden Poem'

Mrs. Padilly's Garden Poem

Donna Marie Johnson, 2023

Book cover of 'What If'

What If

Frances Thomas, Ross Collins, 1999

Book cover of 'Discover: The solar system'

Discover: The solar system

Sam Solyman, 2022