Doppol - Trending books for kids

Top-rated books by Elizabeth Berg

Book cover of 'Ethiopia'


Age: 6-10

Books like Elizabeth Berg’s

Book cover of 'Willow's Words'

Willow's Words

Jamie Lago, Terri Bose, Ekaterina Bulankina, 2020

Book cover of 'Friends and Heroes: The Easter Story'

Friends and Heroes: The Easter Story

Deborah Lock, 2023

Book cover of 'Magic Windows / Ventanas Magicas'

Magic Windows / Ventanas Magicas

C. Garza, 2003

Book cover of 'Magic Money'

Magic Money

Ann Nolan Clark, 1950

Book cover of 'Mochila'


Unkknown, Sarah Willson, Robert Roper, 2003

Book cover of 'A Journey of Tastes: A new way for children to learn to read while travelling to different continents, experiencing different foods while learning the days of the week (Adventure Children’s Books)'

A Journey of Tastes: A new way for children to learn to read while travelling to different continents, experiencing different foods while learning the days of the week (Adventure Children’s Books)

Hasina Knox, 2021

Book cover of 'Life Story : Birth, Growth and Development'

Life Story : Birth, Growth and Development

Patricia Macnair, 2004

Book cover of 'Id-Ul-Fitr (World of Holidays)'

Id-Ul-Fitr (World of Holidays)

Rosalind Koven, Rosalind Kerven, 2011