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Top-rated books by James Frank

Books like James Frank’s

Book cover of 'Magical History Tour Vol. 5: The Plague: The Plague (5)'

Magical History Tour Vol. 5: The Plague: The Plague (5)

Fabrice Erre, Sylvain Savoia, 2020

Book cover of 'Who put the Snarfdoodle in my Lunchbox?'

Who put the Snarfdoodle in my Lunchbox?

Andrew L. Liput, Neil Chapman, 2003

Book cover of 'The Flying Vampire (Creepies)'

The Flying Vampire (Creepies)

Rose Impey, 2006

Book cover of 'I Spy 123: Totally Crazy Numbers!'

I Spy 123: Totally Crazy Numbers!

Ulrike Sauerhofer, Manuela Ancutici, 2017

Book cover of 'The Charlie Moon Collection'

The Charlie Moon Collection

Shirley Hughes, 2010

Book cover of 'Mermaids Most Amazing'

Mermaids Most Amazing

Oliver Narelle, 2005

Book cover of 'My Friends from A to Z: A Fun Way to Learn the Alphabet'

My Friends from A to Z: A Fun Way to Learn the Alphabet

Marcela Klinsrisuk, Alejandra López, 2021

Book cover of 'Slam Dunk Jokes for Kids'

Slam Dunk Jokes for Kids

Sports Illustrated Kids, Bob Phillips, 2014