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Top-rated books by Joan Aiken

Books like Joan Aiken’s

Book cover of 'Scary Dog (Starters)'

Scary Dog (Starters)

Scoular-Anderson, 2005

Book cover of 'Dudley'


Ellsworth E. Zahn, 1993

Book cover of 'The Lantern Fox (Mammoth Reads)'

The Lantern Fox (Mammoth Reads)

Garry Kilworth, 1998

Book cover of 'The Megamogs In Moggymania'

The Megamogs In Moggymania

Peter Haswell, 2013

Book cover of 'The Mouse House'

The Mouse House

Rosemary Jones, 2010

Book cover of 'Maisy Makes It Fun'

Maisy Makes It Fun

Lucy Cousins, 2005

Book cover of 'The Elephant's Shoes'

The Elephant's Shoes

Charity Yoder, 2019

Book cover of 'Benji: Meet Benji (Festival Readers)'

Benji: Meet Benji (Festival Readers)

Scout Driggs, Kathleen Camp, 2004