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Top-rated books by Kelly Lenihan

Books like Kelly Lenihan’s

Book cover of 'A True Spell and a Dangerous (Cambridge Reading)'

A True Spell and a Dangerous (Cambridge Reading)

Susan Price, 1998

Book cover of 'Stop Arguing! (Little Birdie Readers)'

Stop Arguing! (Little Birdie Readers)

Gladys Moreta, Bob Reese, 2011

Book cover of 'Lucy and the Firestone (Starters)'

Lucy and the Firestone (Starters)

Polly Dunbar, Polly Dunbar June Crebbin June Crebbin, June Crebbin, 2004

Book cover of 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams'

The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams

Shane Hegarty, Jeff Crowther, 2022

Book cover of 'Daddies and Baddies'

Daddies and Baddies

Mat Waugh, Graham Evans, 2019

Book cover of 'Fighting (Let's Talk About Series)'

Fighting (Let's Talk About Series)

Joy Wilt Berry, Joy Berry, 1983

Book cover of 'The Water Tales: Ten Life Lessons from My Water Buddy and Family'

The Water Tales: Ten Life Lessons from My Water Buddy and Family

Michele Wise Wright, 2020

Book cover of 'That's Mine!'

That's Mine!

Sumana Seeboruth, Ashleigh Corrin, 2022