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Top-rated books by Liliana Perez

Books like Liliana Perez’s

Book cover of 'Bluey: Mum School'

Bluey: Mum School

Bluey, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, 2023

Book cover of 'Zara The Starlight Fairy (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Rainbow Magic: the Night Fairies)'

Zara The Starlight Fairy (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Rainbow Magic: the Night Fairies)

Daisy Meadows, Georgie Ripper, 2010

Book cover of 'The Magic Pea'

The Magic Pea

Madeline Tyler, Emma Smith, Margherita Borin, 2020

Book cover of 'Arnold's E-Files (Hey Arnold! Chapter Book #8)'

Arnold's E-Files (Hey Arnold! Chapter Book #8)

Richard Bartlett, Craig Michael Bartlett, Maggie Groening, Tim Parsons, 2001

Book cover of 'Let's Do a Thing! (Victor Shmud, Total Expert #1) (1)'

Let's Do a Thing! (Victor Shmud, Total Expert #1) (1)

Jim Benton, 2017

Book cover of 'Unicorn Academy: Lily and Feather'

Unicorn Academy: Lily and Feather

Julie Sykes, Lucy Truman, 2020

Book cover of 'The Trouble with Gnomes'

The Trouble with Gnomes

Jenny Jinks, Sarah Mcintyre, 2020

Book cover of 'Crash! and Bang!: (Red Early Reader)'

Crash! and Bang!: (Red Early Reader)

Alison Donald, Katie Crumpton, 2022