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Top-rated books by Loren Long

Books like Loren Long’s

Book cover of 'A Big Guy Took My Ball!'

A Big Guy Took My Ball!

Mo Willems, 2015

Book cover of 'The Good Shepherd and the Little Lost Sheep'

The Good Shepherd and the Little Lost Sheep

Katherine Everglade, Purple Realm Books, 2023

Book cover of 'A Phone for Christmas'

A Phone for Christmas

Talia Zales, Talia Zales Books LLC, Izzy B, 2022

Book cover of 'Emily Learns to Pray'

Emily Learns to Pray

Daniel B Lancaster, Jeffrey Lancaster, Cindy Monroy, Sarah Hernández, 2021

Book cover of 'My Cousins My Friends, Mis Primos Mis Amigos'

My Cousins My Friends, Mis Primos Mis Amigos

Diana Delrusso, Kimberly Young, 2021

Book cover of 'Our Emotions and Behaviour: I Want to Win! A book about being a good sport'

Our Emotions and Behaviour: I Want to Win! A book about being a good sport

Sue Graves, Emanuela Carletti, Desideria Guicciardini, 2017

Book cover of 'Pickleball Paul and the Missing Paddle'

Pickleball Paul and the Missing Paddle

Will Terry, 2023

Book cover of 'Tinkle Presents : Oops Its Butterfingers!'

Tinkle Presents : Oops Its Butterfingers!

Fernandes L, 2011