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Top-rated books by Macmillan

Books like Macmillan’s

Book cover of 'Roller Skates!'

Roller Skates!

Stephanie Calmenson, Stephanie Calmenson True Kelley, True Kelley, 1992

Book cover of 'Wally the Whizz Kid (A Mango Street Story)'

Wally the Whizz Kid (A Mango Street Story)

Margaret P. Clark, 1995

Book cover of 'Puzzle Adventure Omnibus: v. 2 (Usborne Puzzle Adventures): v. 2 (Usborne Puzzle Adventures)'

Puzzle Adventure Omnibus: v. 2 (Usborne Puzzle Adventures): v. 2 (Usborne Puzzle Adventures)

Michelle Bates, Martin Oliver, Karen Dolby, 1994

Book cover of 'My Lil' First School (3) (The Brooke Lynn Adventures)'

My Lil' First School (3) (The Brooke Lynn Adventures)

Toby A. Williams, Sue Campion, Corrina Holyoake, 2019

Book cover of 'Puzzle Car Race (Young Puzzles)'

Puzzle Car Race (Young Puzzles)

Rosie Heywood, Brenda Haw, Philippa Wingate, 2004

Book cover of 'Download: Heroes and Villains'

Download: Heroes and Villains

Alison Hawes, 2007

Book cover of 'Dick and Jane: Go and See'

Dick and Jane: Go and See

William S. Gray, Larry Ruppert, 2004

Book cover of 'You Choose 3: Maze of Doom'

You Choose 3: Maze of Doom

George Ivanoff, 2014