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Top-rated books by Maria S. Messimer

Books like Maria S. Messimer’s

Book cover of 'A Phone for Christmas'

A Phone for Christmas

Talia Zales, Talia Zales Books LLC, Izzy B, 2022

Book cover of 'My Cousins My Friends, Mis Primos Mis Amigos'

My Cousins My Friends, Mis Primos Mis Amigos

Diana Delrusso, Kimberly Young, 2021

Book cover of 'The Good Shepherd and the Little Lost Sheep'

The Good Shepherd and the Little Lost Sheep

Katherine Everglade, Purple Realm Books, 2023

Book cover of 'OFF TO GRANDMA'S HOUSE FOR TURKEY DAY: A Thanksgiving Story. Maiya unwillingly goes to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving and realizes the importance of family, love, and time.'

OFF TO GRANDMA'S HOUSE FOR TURKEY DAY: A Thanksgiving Story. Maiya unwillingly goes to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving and realizes the importance of family, love, and time.

Martina Snowden-Harrison, 2021

Book cover of 'The Precious Gift of Patience: Kindness Always Comes to Find You'

The Precious Gift of Patience: Kindness Always Comes to Find You

Ruth Caro Mack, 2023

Book cover of 'The Ring of Words : An Anthology of Poetry for Children'

The Ring of Words : An Anthology of Poetry for Children

Roger Mcgough, 2007

Book cover of 'The Power of Kindness: A book for children about what kindness is. To help them become a kind acts whiz.'

The Power of Kindness: A book for children about what kindness is. To help them become a kind acts whiz.

Alice Bell, Eunie Draw, 2023

Book cover of 'Julia Jones' Diary - Book 4 - My First Boyfriend: Girls Books Ages 9-12'

Julia Jones' Diary - Book 4 - My First Boyfriend: Girls Books Ages 9-12

Katrina Kahler, 2014