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Top-rated books by Michael Irwin

Books like Michael Irwin’s

Book cover of 'Tillie & Clementine Zoo Switcheroo'

Tillie & Clementine Zoo Switcheroo

Dan Killeen, 2015

Book cover of 'Dexter and Whiskers: Two Books in One'

Dexter and Whiskers: Two Books in One

Uylanda Dennis, 2023

Book cover of 'Solomon Smee Versus the Monkeys'

Solomon Smee Versus the Monkeys

Joanna Nadin, 2004

Book cover of 'Snow Babies'

Snow Babies

Lauraellenanderson, 2014

Book cover of 'Benji Bear's Busy Day: A Telling the Time Book'

Benji Bear's Busy Day: A Telling the Time Book

Tor Freeman, 2013

Book cover of 'The Perfect Pet: A Play Book with Removable Animals'

The Perfect Pet: A Play Book with Removable Animals

Simon Abbott, 2007

Book cover of 'Come Back, Zack! (Little Golden Book)'

Come Back, Zack! (Little Golden Book)

Trish Holland, Sachiko Yoshikawa, 2008

Book cover of 'The Magical Paws of Christmas'

The Magical Paws of Christmas

Fabiola S. Albacarys, Mandy Grant, 2023