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Top-rated books by Phyllis Harris

Books like Phyllis Harris’s

Book cover of 'The Great Stroller Adventure'

The Great Stroller Adventure

Denis Markell, Melissa Iwai, 2004

Book cover of 'Zakkary Kay & the King of the Asparagus'

Zakkary Kay & the King of the Asparagus

Jennifer Vivekanand, 2004

Book cover of 'The Lost Tooth Club'

The Lost Tooth Club

Arden Johnson-Petrov, Arden Johnson, 1998

Book cover of 'Terrormazia: A Hole New Kind of Maze Game (Gamebook)'

Terrormazia: A Hole New Kind of Maze Game (Gamebook)

Anna Nilsen, Dom Mansell, 1995

Book cover of 'I See Me!'

I See Me!

Julie Aigner-Clark, Nadeem Zaidi, 2009

Book cover of 'The Charlie Moon Collection'

The Charlie Moon Collection

Shirley Hughes, 2010

Book cover of 'Reading Planet - The Twins - Red A: Comet Street Kids'

Reading Planet - The Twins - Red A: Comet Street Kids

Charlotte Guillain, Adam Guillain, 2017

Book cover of 'Being Impossible'

Being Impossible

Hiawyn Oram, 2008