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Top-rated books by Sally Heinrich

Books like Sally Heinrich’s

Book cover of 'A Day in the Life of a Footballer'

A Day in the Life of a Footballer

Harriet Hains, 1999

Book cover of 'Football Stories'

Football Stories

Michael Coleman, 1997

Book cover of 'Footballer (When I'm at Work)'

Footballer (When I'm at Work)

Sue Barraclough, 2010

Book cover of 'Good Sports! - a Bag of Sports Stories'

Good Sports! - a Bag of Sports Stories

Tony Bradman, 1893

Book cover of 'Indianapolis Colts'

Indianapolis Colts

Marcia Zappa, 2014

Book cover of 'Pocket Timelines: Flight'

Pocket Timelines: Flight

Ian Graham, 2002

Book cover of 'Oklahoma City Thunder, the (Team Spirit)'

Oklahoma City Thunder, the (Team Spirit)

Mark Stewart, 2009

Book cover of 'The Robbery'

The Robbery

W. Murray, Ladybird, 1991