Doppol - Trending books for kids

Top-rated books by Sarah Odo

Book cover of 'Feelings'


Age: 5-9

Books like Sarah Odo’s

Book cover of 'Snappy Valentine'

Snappy Valentine

Beth Harwood, 2006

Book cover of 'Miss Mary Lou asks Why Am I Sad?'

Miss Mary Lou asks Why Am I Sad?

M.J. Parker, 2021

Book cover is on its way

Book cover is on its way

Die Gluckskarte

Ursula Wölfel, 1971

Book cover of 'Bob's Best Day Ever!'

Bob's Best Day Ever!

Nickelodeon Publishing, 2004

Book cover of 'A Whisper of Peace'

A Whisper of Peace

Dawud Wharnsby, Shireen Adams, 2014

Book cover of 'Friends and Heroes: The Easter Story'

Friends and Heroes: The Easter Story

Deborah Lock, 2023

Book cover of 'Play and Pray Through Lent'

Play and Pray Through Lent

Kay Warrington, 2005

Book cover of 'Socializing for the New Order: Or, Educational Values of the Juvenile Organization, Including a Résumé of "Boy Scouts," "Camp Fire Girls," and Twelve Other Organizations'

Socializing for the New Order: Or, Educational Values of the Juvenile Organization, Including a Résumé of "Boy Scouts," "Camp Fire Girls," and Twelve Other Organizations

James Franklin Page, 2009