Doppol - Trending books for kids

Top-rated books by Stephanie St. Pierre

Book cover of 'Jaguars'


Age: 5-6

Books like Stephanie St. Pierre’s

Book cover of 'Ants'


Grace Hansen, 2014

Book cover of 'Where Is Max?'

Where Is Max?

Caroline Richard Raomae, Carlos Cerde�a Granada, 2021

Book cover of 'Amphibians'


Bev Harvey, 2002

Book cover of 'The Puffin Factfinder'

The Puffin Factfinder

Derek O' Brian, Derek O'Brien, 2011

Book cover of 'Salvation'


Tamika Champion-Hampton, 2017

Book cover of 'Threatened Species'

Threatened Species

Lisa Firth, Carolyn Kirby, 2010

Book cover of 'Fly, Butterfly, Fly! (Wild Wanderers Book 6)'

Fly, Butterfly, Fly! (Wild Wanderers Book 6)

Dom Conlon, Anastasia Izlesou, 2024

Book cover of 'Elephant'


Mymi Doinet, Christophe Merlin, Valerie Stetton, 2000