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Top-rated books by Tedd Arnold

Books like Tedd Arnold’s

Book cover of 'Dog on a Broomstick'

Dog on a Broomstick

Jan Page, Nick Price, 1997

Book cover of 'Angus MacMouse Brings Down the House (Animal Tales)'

Angus MacMouse Brings Down the House (Animal Tales)

Linda Phillips Teitel, Guy Francis, 2010

Book cover of 'My Pet Dinosaur'

My Pet Dinosaur

Erin Elefritz, Heidi Rolf, 2012

Book cover of 'Chibi Samurai Wants a Pet'

Chibi Samurai Wants a Pet

Sanae Ishida, 2017

Book cover of 'Just Gus'

Just Gus

Erin Jeffers, Patti Jeffers, US Illustrations, 2023

Book cover of 'The Witch's Cat and The Trouble With Tidying Up'

The Witch's Cat and The Trouble With Tidying Up

Kirstie Watson, Nina Khalova, 2023

Book cover of 'Daisy: Really, Really'

Daisy: Really, Really

Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt, 2003

Book cover of 'Big Brown Bear/El gran oso pardo: Bilingual English-Spanish'

Big Brown Bear/El gran oso pardo: Bilingual English-Spanish

David Mcphail, O'connor, F. Isabel Campoy, 1999