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Top-rated books by Temiko Spurgeon

Books like Temiko Spurgeon’s

Book cover of 'Madame Proprette (Bonhomme)'

Madame Proprette (Bonhomme)

Roger Hargreaves, 1981

Book cover of 'I Am a Nice Kid: A Guide to Being a Kind, Disciplined, Respectful, and Friendly Child'

I Am a Nice Kid: A Guide to Being a Kind, Disciplined, Respectful, and Friendly Child

Mirvaldy J., Mandy G., 2023

Book cover of 'You are an Amazing Boy: A Collection of Inspiring Stories about Courage, Friendship, Inner Strength and Self-Confidence'

You are an Amazing Boy: A Collection of Inspiring Stories about Courage, Friendship, Inner Strength and Self-Confidence

Nadia Ross, Special Art Stories, 2021

Book cover of 'Bear and the Kindness Jar'

Bear and the Kindness Jar

Ka Almeida, MOHAN PERARA, 2023

Book cover of 'Lilly's Big Day'

Lilly's Big Day

Kevin Henkes, Laura Hamilton, 2007

Book cover of 'Pete Can't Eat Neat'

Pete Can't Eat Neat

Angee Costa, Kenya Hinson, 2023

Book cover of 'Don't Hug the Pug'

Don't Hug the Pug

Robin Jacobs, Matthew Hodson, JACOBS ROBIN/HODSON, 2020

Book cover of 'Kindness Wins: Stories of Love Elementary'

Kindness Wins: Stories of Love Elementary

Marguerite Locke, Julie Osterman Robyn Katz, Zoe Ranucci, Robin Katz, 2021