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Top-rated books by Victor Kelleher

Books like Victor Kelleher’s

Book cover of 'Arrowville'


Geefwee Boedoe, 2004

Book cover of 'Princess Piper of Poopville'

Princess Piper of Poopville

Jana Chesley, QBN Studios, 2022

Book cover of 'Ricky, the Rock That Couldn't Roll'

Ricky, the Rock That Couldn't Roll

Mr. Jay, Erin Wozniak, 2018

Book cover of 'Little Fox Listens'

Little Fox Listens

Kevin Russell, Shehani Koshila, 2021

Book cover of 'Toad Surprise'

Toad Surprise

Morris Gleitzman, 2008

Book cover of 'Oz Wimbly and the Elephant Rebellion'

Oz Wimbly and the Elephant Rebellion

Nick Pirog, Catherine Lockner, 2020

Book cover of 'Evangeline Mudd and the Golden-Haired Apes of the Ikkinasti Jungle'

Evangeline Mudd and the Golden-Haired Apes of the Ikkinasti Jungle

David Elliott, 2005

Book cover of 'Shy Little Bunny'

Shy Little Bunny

nick-ellsworth, David Kirk, Caroline Pedler, 2004