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Explore Hodder Cambridge Primary English: Discover similar reads

Book cover of 'Pass the Parcel: Independent Reading Red 2'

Pass the Parcel: Independent Reading Red 2

Sarah Snashall, Lucy Makuc (illustrator) Sarah Snashall (author), Lucy Makuc, 2023

Book cover of 'The Monster in the Night'

The Monster in the Night

Isobel Lundie, Sarah Snashall, 2023

Book cover of 'Dan Loses a Tooth'

Dan Loses a Tooth

Sarah Snashall, Jake McDonald (illustrator) Sarah Snashall (author), Jake McDonald, 2023

Book cover of 'Clouds'


Grace Hansen, 2015

Book cover of 'My First 123'

My First 123

Shirley Hughes, 2017

Book cover of 'Rainbow and You'

Rainbow and You

Edwin C Krupp, E.C. Krupp, Robin Rector Krupp, 2000

Book cover of 'Alphabet'


Nat Lambert, Barry Green, 2022

Book cover of 'What Is It?'

What Is It?

Leslie Kimmelman, 2004