Doppol - Trending books for kids

Books like A Boy, a Mouse, and a Spider: The Story of E.B. White

Book cover of 'What Happens on Wednesdays'

What Happens on Wednesdays

Emily Jenkins, Lauren Castillo, 2007

Book cover of 'Nana in the City'

Nana in the City

Lauren Castillo, 2014

Book cover of 'City Cat'

City Cat

Lauren Castillo, Kate Banks, 2013

Book cover of 'The Troublemaker'

The Troublemaker

Lauren Castillo, 2014

Book cover of 'Buffalo Music'

Buffalo Music

Lauren Castillo, Tracey E. Fern, 2008

Book cover of 'Toot & Puddle: Let It Snow'

Toot & Puddle: Let It Snow

Holly Hobbie, 2007

Book cover of 'Itsy Mitsy Runs Away'

Itsy Mitsy Runs Away

Elanna Allen, 2011

Book cover of 'If Animals Tried to Be Kind'

If Animals Tried to Be Kind

Ann Whitford Paul, David Walker, 2022