Doppol - Trending books for kids

Books like Footprints in the Snow

Book cover of 'Rainy Day Slug'

Rainy Day Slug

Mary Palenick Colborn, 2002

Book cover of 'Earth's Amazing Cycles: Energy'

Earth's Amazing Cycles: Energy

Franklin Watts, Sally Morgan, Kay Coenen (illustrator) Sally Morgan (author), Kay Coenen, 2022

Book cover of 'Minerals'


Grace Hansen, 2022

Book cover of 'Winter, Awake!'

Winter, Awake!

Linda Kroll, Ruth Lieberherr, 2003

Book cover of 'The Phoenix – Rising from the Ashes'

The Phoenix – Rising from the Ashes

Dian Griffin Jackson, Shanterria Jackson, Phoenix Harden, Joyce Licorish, 2014

Book cover of 'Camouflage'


Beryl Reichenberg, 2012

Book cover of 'Record Breaking Bugs Flying Insec'

Record Breaking Bugs Flying Insec

Matt Turner, 2017

Book cover of 'Revolting Arithmetic - Victorians'

Revolting Arithmetic - Victorians

Rowland Morgan, 2000