Doppol - Trending books for kids

Books like Not-So-Little Red Riding Hood

Book cover of 'The Man Who Sold His Shadow: Small Book (Pelican Big Books)'

The Man Who Sold His Shadow: Small Book (Pelican Big Books)

Michael Rosen, 1995

Book cover of 'Ribticklers! Funny Stories'

Ribticklers! Funny Stories

Michael Rosen, 2007

Book cover of 'Hard Boiled Legs'

Hard Boiled Legs

Michael Rosen, Daniel Rosen, Quentin Blake, 1986

Book cover of 'Under the Bed'

Under the Bed

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 1986

Book cover of 'Quick, Let's Get Out of Here'

Quick, Let's Get Out of Here

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 1983

Book cover of 'Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy'

Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 2006

Book cover of 'Choosing Crumble'

Choosing Crumble

Michael Rosen, Tony Ross, 2014

Book cover of 'Smelly Jelly Smelly Fish'

Smelly Jelly Smelly Fish

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 1986