Doppol - Trending books for kids

Books like Patrick

Book cover of 'Matilda at 30: Chief Executive of the British Library'

Matilda at 30: Chief Executive of the British Library

Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake, 2099

Book cover of 'Míster Magnolia'

Míster Magnolia

Quentin Blake, Miguel Azaola, 2016

Book cover of 'Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy'

Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 2006

Book cover of 'My Dad is Fantastic'

My Dad is Fantastic

Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake, 2020

Book cover of 'Quick, Let's Get Out of Here'

Quick, Let's Get Out of Here

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 1983

Book cover of 'George's Marvellous Experiments'

George's Marvellous Experiments

Quentin Blake, Jim Peacock, 2017

Book cover of 'Michael Rosen's Sad Book'

Michael Rosen's Sad Book

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 2004

Book cover of 'Under the Bed'

Under the Bed

Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, 1986