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Top-rated books by Melvin Schwartz

Books like Melvin Schwartz’s

Book cover of 'Count Your Way Through Afghanistan'

Count Your Way Through Afghanistan

James Haskins, Kathleen Benson, Megan Moore, 2006

Book cover of 'The Kingfisher Atlas of Exploration and Empires: A Pictorial Guide to the Golden Age of Discovery, 1'

The Kingfisher Atlas of Exploration and Empires: A Pictorial Guide to the Golden Age of Discovery, 1

Simon Adams, Mark Bergin, 2007

Book cover of 'A Journey of Tastes: A new way for children to learn to read while travelling to different continents, experiencing different foods while learning the days of the week (Adventure Children’s Books)'

A Journey of Tastes: A new way for children to learn to read while travelling to different continents, experiencing different foods while learning the days of the week (Adventure Children’s Books)

Hasina Knox, 2021

Book cover of 'The Adventures of Exit Erik: LONDON (Book 1)'

The Adventures of Exit Erik: LONDON (Book 1)

Krista Beauvais, 2014

Book cover of 'Town'


unknown author, Jo Litchfield, 2004

Book cover of 'The Path'

The Path

Little Gestalten, Reif Larsen, Marine Schneider, 2021

Book cover of 'Socializing for the New Order: Or, Educational Values of the Juvenile Organization, Including a Résumé of "Boy Scouts," "Camp Fire Girls," and Twelve Other Organizations'

Socializing for the New Order: Or, Educational Values of the Juvenile Organization, Including a Résumé of "Boy Scouts," "Camp Fire Girls," and Twelve Other Organizations

James Franklin Page, 2015

Book cover of 'River'


Sarah Dellow, 2022